Discover God’s Calling On Your Life! (Free E-Book)

Entdecke Deine Berufung

Do you wonder what your life’s calling is?
And how do you find out what your calling is?

And do you especially wonder how you can live your calling?

The following e-book (text document) can help you to explore your life’s calling, to understand it more deeply and to live in it.

And even if you already know what God has called you to, this e-book can be helpful to discover totally new aspects of your calling.

Are you ready?
Come on a journey
that will change your life…


Note for german readers:
Das E-Book und den Artikel gibt es auch auf Deutsch: „Entdecke Gottes Berufung für Dein Leben! (Kostenloses E-Book)„.

(text document):

You can download the free e-book here:

[Download E-Book]
(pdf Format)

[Download E-Book]
(WORD Format)
(Right-click with the mouse on the link and save the file on your PC.)

Version: 30th March 2014

The document is intended for printing!

Information about the pdf Format:
To open and to read the document you need the free software „Adobe Reader“. You can download it on this page for free.
(NOTE: I recommend to delete the check mark where it says „optional offer“. That’s a harmless antivirus programm, called „McAfee Security Scan Plus-Software“, but it needs extra space on your computer.)

If you can’t install the Adobe Reader, you can download the WORD format.

Suggestions for the use of this e-book:

  • Save the document to your PC and print it out.
  • If you don’t have a printer:
    Ask someone near you to print out the document for you.
    Or upload the document on a special website where they can print it for you. (Search Google for „Online Copy Shop“ etc.)
    Or go to a local Copy Shop.
  • You can put the document in a (plastic) folder.
  • You will find many questions in the document. This questions will help you to discover your calling and to explore it more deeply. Please take time to work through the document. Be open for the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus has called you because He has a purpose for you! God has good plans for you and your life!

You are loved and you were no accident! God has planned you and that’s why your life makes sense! And that’s why we want to say this to you:

You are called for such a time as this!

God bless you on your journey!

Julia & Tobias

Du bist Berufen für eine Zeit wie diese!

More input about this topic:

To find out more about the topic „God’s calling“ look at the following page. There you’ll find more input.

(The articles are written in German but you can use the help of „Google Translate“.)

If this is helping you feel free to share the e-book with others wo might be interested in this topic!

 Do you have any questions relating to the e-book?
Or do you want to share personal testimonies about this topic (God’s call, calling)?

Our website is mostly written in German. But of course you can write a comment in English under this article!

We love to hear from you! 

For german readers:
Wenn Du uns einen Kommentar auf Deutsch hinterlassen möchtest, gebrauche bitte den deutschen Artikel: Entdecke Gottes Berufung für Dein Leben! (Kostenloses E-Book)„.

(Graphics: © Microsoft, Used with permission.)

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